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Huso Listening Systems

for Rest, Relaxation, Stress Reduction, Focus & Motivation & Performance Enhancement

30 min
40 US dollars
Herdal Drive|Douglas Boulevard

Service Description

Human-generated sound is exponentially the most effective carrier and delivery system of beneficial frequency to the body compared to frequencies or tones that are machine or digitally produced, or tones created through the use of musical instruments, singing bowls, tuning forks, etc. The body is hard-wired to most readily resonate to and entrain with the human voice. The human voice can elicit not only a physiological response but often a powerful, transcendent and transformative emotional one as well. Indigena counseling's Huso Listening Systems is the perfect solution for those seeking a more holistic approach to wellness. This innovative sound frequency therapy promotes better rest, less stress, improved performance, and clarity. By combining high fidelity audio sound with human generated tones, Huso creates a whole-body experience that resonates with our cells and entrains with the human voice. Say goodbye to stress and hello to relaxation with Huso Listening Systems by Indigena counseling. Our bodies are 60% to 75% water. Sound waves are capable of penetrating more deeply and for much longer distances in a liquid medium than light waves. Water molecules surround and are contained within our DNA, RNA, and mitochondria. The ability for these cell components to function, to send, receive, and properly interpret inter and intra-cellular signaling at an optimal level depends to a great extent on the structural integrity of this surrounding water, which can be destabilized by toxic substances and certain electromagnetic signals. Laboratory tests have shown that specific frequencies within the range of the human voice and their harmonics can re-form destabilized water molecules back to structural integrity and that this, in turn, can significantly improve the performance of in vitro DNA. Huso is a patented technology that uses human sound toning done in the indigenous tradition by powerful sound healers, broken into its frequencies, and then enhanced to create an oscillating waveform12. The technology delivers lossless sound to both the brain (headphones) and body (pads on the acupuncture meridians) It consists of human sound that has been modulated in a proprietary way by combining specific frequencies, harmonics, and waveforms capable of restoring balance and wellbeing in the brain and body,

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

Contact Details

  • 12120 Herdal Drive, Auburn, CA, USA

  • Indigena Wellness, Herdal Drive, Auburn, CA, USA

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